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9-А клас Англійська мова Юлія Олександрівна

SB p 93 retell the text "A Peking Paradise",  do the task Article THESB Photo File 9 (описати пам'ятки за зразком).
Vocabulary practice. Article The
1. SB p 94 ex 21-24
2. Rewise the rules of using definite article the and do the task:


Юлія Вірван is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Англ мова 9а

Time: Sep 1, 2023 12:00 Helsinki

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Today we will speak about signs!
sign is an objectquality, event, or entity whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
SB ex.6,p.78
Wb ex.3,p.46
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Архів 2022-2023

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